Hello everyone, now let me share my interview with Asma Nadia. All of you must have known her, right? Yes! She is a famous writer in Indonesia. Through my editorial activity in Inspirational Woman Magazine, I got a chance to interview here. This article has also been published in second issue of Inspirational Woman Magazine. Its a bimonthly online magazine and its definitely FREE. To get its copy, just click this site and fill in the subscription form, and be ready for getting inspired. So, lets check it out ^__^
Asma Nadia is a famous writer in Indonesia. In these 10 years, she has written more than 40 books. She has received many awards in writing:
- The Best National Writer at Adikarya Ikapi Award tahun 2000, 2001, dan 2005,
- The Awardee of Majelis Sastra Asia Tenggara (Mastera) tahun 2005,
- Anugrah IBF Award as The Best Moslem Novel Writer (2008),
- Best Participant at Lokakarya Women Drana Writer in FIB University of Indonesia and Dewan Kesenian Jakarta.
One of her famous writing is Emak Ingin Naik Haji. It has been created as a movie and the movie itself gets an award as Anugerah Film Terpuji in Festival Film Bandung. All the royalty of this book is used to send Ustadz and Ustadzah to Makkah. Another of her writing is Rumah Tanpa Jendela. It is also filmed in Indonesia. 100% profit from that film will be donated to the poor ones in Indonesia.
Now, Asma Nadia is also busy as a CEO of AsmaNadia Publishing House, a book publishing company. Here is my interview with her:
Tina: What inspires you to write?
Asma Nadia: Writing is my hobby, firstly. Now, it is becoming a means for struggling my life.
Tina: What are you currently doing now? And how you divide each of your time?
Asma Nadia: I am the CEO of AsmaNadia Publishing House, a book publishing company, created by me and my husband since I was resigned from another publishing company. I also give writing workshop in all parts of Indonesia or even abroad, as a moslem speaker, and a motivator in any related themes. In weekdays, I do my job activities, and in the weekend, the family especially my children are the most important parts.
Tina: Can you tell us how did you start your career as a writer?
Asma Nadia: I start my career from zero. I write since I have baby. My husband is still a college student and I have to use time effectively. As a writer I have to be productive, but still I have to write the qualified books, not just writing.
Tina: Do you collaborate with other women in your writing?
Asma Nadia: Yes, I collaborate with several women at 2004 and 2005. We write Jilbab Traveler, La Tahzan for Mothers, New Catatan Hati Seorang Istri, La Tahzan for Brokenhearted Muslimah.
Tina: Do you have any Unity Pledge for all women in the world?
Asma Nadia: Women have multiple roles that their emergence would be incredible, never had had enough potentials. more potential that can be sharpened insya allah more we can do for others, we can share:)
Website: www.asmanadia.net or www.rumahbacaasmanadia.com
Written by: Tina Yuliani