My Interview with Merry Riana (Part 2)

Hi everyone!

Lets continue our talk with Merry Riana. If you haven’t read the first part, you may read it here.

Tina: Hi Merry, what have you learnt on your journey?

Merry: I have one golden rule in business: Integrity. Whatever the cost, regardless of any implications or consequences, I believe I must uphold this rule without question. Without integrity, I believe there will be no firm foundation for my accomplishments. I can build my business to be as big and strong as I possibly can, but the moment I compromise on my integrity, the whole thing may just crumble down overnight.

I also believe that one of the most important and critical characteristic that an entrepreneur must have is the willingness to continuously learn. I think it is better to learn from other peoples’ experiences than to take lessons from the school of hard knocks. In fact, I always look up to and learn from successful role models who have accomplished their goals. To succeed, we need to learn the best practices from the winners as well as their mistakes, so that we will not commit the same ones they did.

Tina: The first issue of Inspirational Woman Magazine is about unity. What do you think of unity amongst women?

Meery: My passion is to help people achieve their personal dreams and goals and I feel fulfilled that this has become my business today. When people ask me how I have managed to come this far from the desperate state that I was in after I graduated from University, I tell them about my personal, ultimate success formula: Vision—Action—Passion. Essentially, it is a three-step process that starts with having a Vision, which is to know what your goals are. Next, you will have to commit to taking massive Action that will bring you closer to that Vision. Finally, you must have the Passion to enjoy the entire process in spite of all the obstacles and failures that come your way. Going through these three steps have enabled me to achieve my dreams and the success that I have worked hard for.

Because of my personal experience I have a strong passion to impact women. My aim is to raise up a new generation of successful women who take charge of their lives, live their dreams, and eventually, contribute back to society. One of the ways we aim to accomplish that is to mentor those women to achieve financial freedom. I think there is nothing wrong with encouraging women to live their dreams, as long as they are doing good and contributing back to society. I also believe that the exponential effect of having successful women sharing their knowledge and wealth can positively change the economic future of the world.

Tina: What problems do you think women face in business, as a wife/mother?

Merry: Women these days have to juggle multiple roles as mothers/daughters/working professionals.

Here’s how I manage my work-life balance:

First, I set my priorities right. And how can I do that? Simply by knowing what my life purpose and goals are. What do I hope to achieve let say 10 years from now? Then, start working backwards.

Second, I set my own expectations properly. And I do not compare them with other women’s. I understand that each one of us has our own definition of being a successful mother or successful working professional.

Third, I master my activities. It’s very important for me to know how to manage my time.

Finally, I celebrate every little success that I achieved either in my career or family life.

Tina: I see in your web, your 30th birthday resolution is to create a positive

impact in the lives of at least 1 million people, especially in Asia. how will

you make it real?

Merry: The main reason I decided to go into the training and consultancy business is because of my passion to help other people to achieve their success. Based on my own experience I know that there are other people who are probably going through what I went through. They want to achieve success, provide better lives for themselves, their parents and their families but they don’t know how to do that yet. Sadly, without guidance and mentorship, a lot of them will probably just give up on their dreams because they don’t know how to achieve it or think that it is not possible for them. I want to use my story to touch them and show them what is possible and also to groom them into leaders.

I will do my best to achieve this resolution through my books, audio programs, seminars, and also through the available social media such as: my Blog, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Tina: In life, maybe sometimes we are down. What do you do when you are down?

Merry: To stay positive every time, every single day is definitely important.

There are many ways that you can do to keep yourself to stay positive.

One of the ways is to be grateful every day.

Oprah Winfrey once said “The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now.”

And I can’t agree more.

In my book ‘A Gift From A Friend’, I wrote that Gratitude is the most forgotten, yet essentially important, emotion in our lives.

Without gratitude, we don’t feel satisfied.

Without gratitude, we feel inadequate.

Without gratitude, we don’t value relationships.

Without gratitude, we take things for granted.

With gratitude, we enjoy life more.

With gratitude, we enjoy ourselves more.

With gratitude, we enjoy relationships more.

With gratitude, we enjoy our possession more.

To have gratitude is to have the highest level of enjoyment within ourselves.

This is my challenge to you right now:

Think about all the positive experiences that have ever happened to you in your lives.

Think about all the material possessions that you own currently.

Think about all the positive relationships that you have ever been involved with.

Think about all the positive qualities you have now.

And then tell me whether you can still feel sad or depressed.

To have gratitude is an essential factor to enjoy this journey of success.

Anthony Robbins said “When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.”

Have you felt grateful today? 😀

Tina: Do you have any pledge related with women around you or women all around the world (in IWM,

we call it Unity Pledge)?

Merry: I pledge to create a positive impact in the lives of at least 1 million people, especially women in Asia.

Thank you for this interview, Merry..very inspiring! 🙂