Here some ideas on how to make everyday life.
Take time to smell the roses.
Take a nap after lunch.
Trust in God. But lock your car.
Never deprive anyone’s hope. It may be all they have.
If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.
Eat inspiring food. Be thankful for every meal.
Don’t take good health for granted.
Turn to the next person to you and say “You’re great!”
Make it a habit to do nice things. Even when people didn’t see it.
T.G.I.T. Thank God It’s Today!
Judge your success by the degree to which you are enjoying. PEACE, HEALTH, and LOVE.
When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
Be generous. Be honest. Be romantic.
Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring, and integrity, they think of you.
Be gentle with Earth. Be gentle with others. Be gentle with yourself.
Never interrupt when someone is complementing you. Just take a deep breath and say, “Thanks. Please tell me more.”
Don’t be a-dull-t. Play with kids. Love them.
Don’t nag. Don’t gossip. Don’t backbite.
Say thank you a lot. Say please a lot.
Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every part of your life.
Don’t postpone joy. For every little thing, cheers.
Never give up on anyone. Miracles happen everyday.
Do more than is expected. And do it cheerfully.
Live life with passion. And inspired people to do the same.
Wake up every morning and smile. (even on Monday)
Learn to put love into everything you do.
Take good care of your soul.

Life is short. Play hard.
Remember that no one can make you feel bad without your permission.
Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?
Embrace all your feelings. And choose what to do with them.
Be a friend to money. Not a slave.
Forgive everyone before sleep. And pray that others will forgive you.
You will forget these suggestions one time. But you can remember anytime you wish.
Remember to remember.
Notice and adjust.
Enjoy the whole journey.
Never complain.
Go boldly.
Be yourself.
The choice is yours.
Big chances always start with simple steps.
To do or not to do?
Only you can decide.
Yes, you!