Hi everyone! How’s your day? I recently read a first chapter of Brian Tracy‘s book, it is The Power of Self Discipline – No Excuse! Here are some motivational quotes from his book:
“Losers make excuses, winners make progress.”
“Bad habits are easy to form, but hard to live with.
Good habits are hard to form, but easy to live with. And
as Goethe said, “Everything is hard before it’s easy.”“Success,
however you define it, is not like a restaurant where you
pay after you have enjoyed your meal. Instead it is like a
cafeteria, where you can choose whatever you want, but
you must pay for it before you eat it.
Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar says, “The elevator to
success is out of order, but the stairs are always open.”“Nothing succeeds like success. What this means is that the greatest reward of
success is not the money you make but rather the excellent person you become in the process of striving toward success and exerting self-discipline every time it is required.”
And these things you should know:
What differentiates successful people from unsuccessful people?
This answer has filled thousands of books and articles over the years. When you use the 80/20 rule and apply it to people, you will find that the top 20% of people in any society, those who enjoy 80% of the rewards, have certain characteristics in common:
1. They know who they are – their values, talents, abilities, desires, strengths and weaknesses, and they are very honest with themselves;
2. They know what they want – they have clear, written goals with plans for their accomplishment that they work on every day;
3. They accept 100% responsibility for themselves and their lives, and for everything that happens to them. They refuse to make excuses, complain or blame other people for problems in their lives. Instead of making excuses, they make progress;
4. Top people are continuous learners – they read, listen to audio programs, watch educational videos and never stop getting better at what they do;
5. Top people are optimists – they look for the good in every situation. They look for the lesson in every problem or setback. They take a constructive approach to life;
6. Top people are persistent. They make a decision, in advance, that they will never give up, no matter what happens.