Life is full of abundance. If you look closely, you too will agree. From the unlimited amount of breaths we’re able to take each day to the amazing grace and provision of food, clothes, safety, and security that is evident in our lives.
To live in abundance means that we have access to a very large quantity (plenty) of something. Wealth and overflow also describe having more than what is needed in our lives.
Abundance starts in the mind. It is a mindset, and there are ways of attracting it to you:
1. Keep a journal of things that you are grateful for.
Try to list at least five things (no matter how small) that bring you the most joy.
2. Refect back on this exact date one year ago.
Take note on what you had (or didn’t have) and how today is different for you.
Try to focus on the good.
3. Take a look around you.
Realize that there could be someone close to you who struggles with something far worse than you could ever imagine. Pay attention to how she is dealing with the pain, and realize how good you’ve got it.
4. Remember to stop and say, “Thank you.”
Take the time to reflect on the things that you have accomplished (realize that you did not do it on your own).
Give thanks. Show gratitude.
5. Make a commitment to show your thankfulness by having an attitude of gratitude.
A smile, a hug, or some small display of affection is a reflection of an abundance of love, joy and peace. Someone would be grateful to re-
ceive this.
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